About Domestic Workers United

Domestic Workers United was started by Dana Kandic after she read numerous articles and books about the way nannies can, were and are treated.  After educating herself about the many issues domestic labor is unfortunetly tied down to, Kandic decided to start a group in her own hometown, ironically one of the biggest cities known to use nannies to take care of their children, in New York City.

Domestic Workers United is a New York City based group made up of anyone and everyone who wants to inform the public vocally about the lifestyles and statistics about domestic workers in NYC.

DWU arranges protests within the New York City parks, passes out flyers and inform New Yorkers with statistics about domestic workers.

DWU wants as many people as they can get to join and to help spread the word.

DWU asks you to please come to our next protest and get involved.

You wont regret you did!

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